
5186962240 Who Calling Me?

The page displays information about 518-696-2240. You can find all user reviews about the number 5186962240 here. Through real user reviews, you can find the answers you need. If the number still calls you, you can help others by writing comments so that more people can get the correct information. Our purpose is to forward the complaint to the relevant mobile phone owner through the positive expression of each person, and to protect the user from the risk of fraud. Please do not send malicious comments, comments containing insults and swearing will be deleted directly. If the content on this page is incorrect, please contact us.

5186962240 has been registered in our number query service database on Jan 23, 2025 and has been queried 140 times.

User score (statistics) of the 5186962240 phone number. According to the voting results, it was temporarily marked as "High Menace".

Last request time: Jan 23, 2025 | Number of comments: 1


Phone number details

Area code:518
Prefix: 518-696
City:Lake Luzerne
Location:New York - NY, USA
Phone type:Landline Numbers
Registrant Company:Citizens Telecomm Co Of Ny Dba Frontier Comm Of Ny
Owner's NameView Owner Information
Current Address The privacy policy does not display the full name!

How would you evaluate
Seriousness of the phone number?


High Risk





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